How can you earn money from Instagram in 2023?

2 min readMay 11, 2023


how can you earn money on Instagram ? graphic with text

In 2023 there are many ways to make money from Instagram. Some of the general methods that usually Instagram creators are earning:

We will discuss 3 methods:

1. By offering services:

What do you offer as a service? It depends on the expertise and how you can solve their problems. If you have skills and others are willing to pay for you. You can use Instagram to promote your service to those who need it. It is how beneficial for them. By offering them your services you can make a handsome amount of money.

For example, if you are a social media manager you can offer them your services such as social media handling, consulting, Design, and using Instagram to showcase your work and attract new clients. With more clients, you can earn more money.

Remember one thing your service could solve their real problems and give them a result of what they are expecting from you. Satisfy them, will refer more clients for you.

2. Selling products:

If you have a business and selling your products physical or Digital products which fulfill or solve your customer’s needs and problems. You can use Instagram to promote your product organically or paid way. And generate sales. The more you sell more you gain profit, the more you earn money. It could involve images, videos, and graphics which showcase your products, Using relevant hashtags and other marketing strategies to increase your product visibility to a broader audience of your posts.

Remember one thing in every image, video, or post description: provide them with your buying link so they can purchase your products.

3. By becoming an influencer

Well, if you did not know what influencers are, let me explain. An influencer is a person who has a large number of followers on their Instagram account. Who can leverage includes promoting products or services with their followers. Influencers can earn money by working with bands while promoting their product or service by creating sponsored posts.

Promoting brands’ products or services is the best way to earn money organically. You can make money on Instagram if you have a large following.

#Do you know who has the highest number of Instagram followers?

The answer is:

Cristiano Ronaldo with

564million followers

He could change$ 2 million per social media post. The highest-earning influencer in the world

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